【双语评论】澳中关系国家基金会 — 一个正在形成的矛盾?

奇葩退款规定! 澳洲旅行社巨头被批!!

由于病毒疫情爆发,许多人的假期计划化成泡影。但一些游客在申请退款时却被旅游公司Flight Centre收取300澳元的退票费,他们纷纷表示将采取法律行动。  这家公司除了收取高额退票费外,还表示需要12周才能支付客户退款,并提出如果不选择退款,可以将这笔钱留

The National Foundation for Australia-China Relation – acontradiction in the making?


近圣诞节,先从室内着手,来个大清理。 开工才半小时,掏出一个白纸卷筒。展开,居然是12年前的旧挂历。 挂历上满是指纹。想起,那是我妈的挂历。 2007年,我妈来悉尼。 这年,她离70岁不远了。可是,漂洋过海来异国他乡,并非安享晚年的清福。 之所以大动干


The Australia-China relation works like the temperament of a hot-cold watertap.  The warm session beganwith Gough Whitlam in China (1972) establishing the Australia-Chinadiplomatic relations, and nurtured by the Australia-China Council until therelations started to get cold in December 2016 when US perceived China asa “threat” to her hegemonic influence in Asia Pacific.

澳中关系就像交替出冷热水的水龙头一样。温暖期始于1972年惠特拉姆(GoughWhitlam)在中国建立澳中外交关系,并一直受到澳中理事会(AustraliaChina Council)的滋养。直到2016年12月澳中关系开始转向冷淡,当时美国认为中国对其亚太霸权影响力构成“威胁”。

Theterm China Panic, coined by former Australian Foreign Minister Bob Carr inDecember 2016 when Australian politicians and media joined the US in bashingand demonizing China under the disguise of cold war mentality againstcommunism. The achievement of modern China is too simple and immature toblame CCP for its mistakes, past and present. To be fair, Australia and USAshould look at the mirror for their mistakes committed in the past andpresent too.

“中国恐慌(China Panic)”一词,由澳洲前外交部长卡尔(Bob Carr)于2016年12月创造。当时澳洲政界人士和媒体与美国一道,以反共的冷战思维为伪装,抨击和妖魔化中国。近代中国取得的成就太过简明,并不足以把过去和现在的错误归咎于中国共产党(CCP)。公平地说,澳洲和美国应该检视他们过去和现在犯下的错误。

Toillustrate this hot-cold tap stuff, one should look at the formation of theNational Foundation for Australia-China Relations (NFACR) as an example.

为了说明这种冷热交替的关系,我们应该以澳中关系国家基金会(National Foundation for Australia-China Relations ,简称NFACR)的成立为例。

TheNFACR was established on 29 March 2019 and was built on the pioneering work ofthe Australia China Council.  Itwas promoted as a high profile platform with a broader capacity to promoteAustralia-China ties, with $44 million funding provided over the next 5 years.


The Foundation’scharter is to harness efforts of the private sector,peak bodies, NGOs, cultural organisations, state and federal agencies and theChinese-Australian community toturbo-charge our national effort in engaging China.


On thesurface this announcement, it appeared to signal a change in the attitudeof DFAT (Department of Foreign Affairs) and their effort to restoreAustralia-China relations since the China Panic started in December 2016.  The Chinese Australia community wouldhave forgotten about the matter until the alarm was first raised by ProfJocelyn Chey in the article “Turbo Charge or Toughit Out? The New Board for the Foundation for Australia-China Relationship”(4Mar2020).  Prof Chey wrote:

(Jocelyn Chey was theExecutive Director of the Australia-China Council 1979-84 &  former Australia Consul General in HongKong).
“It is a great pity that none of the new NFACR Board comefrom this cohort; rather, they have fairly strong links with Hong Kong andSouth-East Asia. What that means is that none of the Board have had anyexperience of living in contemporary mainland Chinese society or understand itstensions and pressures on daily life. Essentially therefore, the ethnic Chinesecomponent of the Board is not representative of the whole Chinese Australiancommunity”

从表面上看,基金会的成立似乎标志着自2016年12月“中国恐慌论”开始以来,外交部(Department of Foreign Affairs ,简称DFAT)态度的改变和恢复澳中关系所做的努力。但是华裔澳人群体都忘记了这件事,直到梅卓琳(Jocelyn Chey)教授在《涡轮增压还是打击到底?澳中关系基金会的新董事会(TurboCharge or Tough it Out? The New Board for the Foundation for Australia-ChinaRelationship)》(2020年3月4日发表)一文中首次发出警告。梅卓琳教授写道:



AnthonyPun commented then:  “I agree with Prof Chey’s criticalremarks on the selection of Board members of NFACR particularly from the 1.2million Chinese Australia diaspora. It is no surprise that the selection wouldgo to the minor spectrum of the diaspora that resonates well with the currentUS policy of China containment, abetted by Australia”

潘瑞亮(Anthony Pun)随后评论道:“我同意梅卓琳教授关于遴选澳中关系国家基金会董事会成员的批评意见,特别是这是从120万华裔澳洲侨民中挑选出来的。毫不奇怪的是,这种选择将只针对少数海外侨民,他们与美国当前在澳洲的怂恿下遏制中国的政策产生了良好的共鸣。”

LateMarch 2020, the issue of the appointments resurfaced again, this time withRobert Chong AM (ex RAAF & twice Mayor of Whitehorse City Council)  alerting the community about a letterwritten by Anthony Leong, President of the Australian China Friendship Society in Melbourne, to Foreign Minister Payne, regarding his concern about theappointment of 4 people on the NFACR Board.  Mr Leong queried about the selectionprocess and wondered how members who are openly and rabidly opposed to China,were appointed.

2020年3月下旬,任命问题再次浮出水面。这一次,Robert Chong AM(前澳洲皇家空军,两届白马市议会市长)提醒社会注意墨尔本澳中友好协会(Australian China Friendship Society)主席梁·安东尼(AnthonyLeong)写给外交部长佩恩的信,其中透露了他对任命4名澳中关系国家基金会董事会成员的担忧。梁·安东尼对遴选过程提出质疑,并想知道公开和强烈反对中国的成员是如何被任命的。

Prof Chey’s conclusion is most informative: I have no confidencethat the NFACR will be able to “turbo-charge” relations with the PRC, asenvisaged by Foreign Minister Marise Payne. The Board seems to be set up toregister with Beijing and with our allies that we will continue a tough lineagainst our powerful neighbour. Certainly, there is much to criticise about PRCdomestic and international policies, but dialogue and breakthroughs that maylead to resolution of differences always start with a basis of trust andrespect. Can this Board build such a foundation?

梅卓琳教授的结论是最有启发性的:我不相信澳中关系国家基金会能够像外长佩恩(Marise Payne)所设想的那样,与中国建立“涡轮增压”的关系。这一董事会的成立似乎是为了向北京和我们的盟友表明,我们将继续对我们强大的邻国采取强硬路线。当然,关于中国的国内和国际政策有很多批评,但可能解决分歧的对话和突破总是从信任和尊重的基础开始。这个董事会能建立这样的基础吗?

If the government is genuinely wanting at repairing theAustralia-China relations, one would have thought to appoint persons withnon-biased views of China.  Otherwisesuch bias will give China an impression that Australia is not sincere inimproving the relations.


In conclusion, we believe to “turbo-charge” thecurrent relations with China, the government have to appoint people on theAdvisory Board with knowledge and analytical mind, who are keen to worktogether to progress the relationship with mutual benefit in mind for thepeoples of Australia and China.


Dr Anthony Pun, OAM, National President,CCCA; Dr Ka Sing Chua, National Senior Adviser, CCCA; and the National ChineseLeadership Group

潘瑞亮博士,OAM全澳华人社区议会主席;蔡家声(Ka Sing Chua)博士,全澳华人社区议会高级顾问;国家中国领导力小组(National Chinese Leadership Group)

Maria Chan, Shirley Huang, Suellyn Lin, KingsleyLiu, James Leung, Lee Xj Li, Daphne Lowe, Dickson Mak, Tony Pang, Tony Tang andDr Y Y Yap.

Maria Chan、Shirley Huang、Suellyn Lin、Kingsley Liu、James Leung、Lee Xj Li、Daphne Lowe、Dickson Mak、Tony Pang、Tony Tang和Y Y Yap博士。

Peter/统筹: Jimmy

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