






[Media Release: COVID-19 update 14 February 2020]

21 South Australians are currently awaiting test results for COVID-19. Two test results returned positive on Saturday 1 February.

The two confirmed cases of COVID-19 have today been discharged from the Royal Adelaide Hospital following multiple negative tests. There is no risk to the public as they have been fully cleared of the virus.

Patients should continue to present to their GP if they are displaying any symptoms and have recently returned from mainland China, or have been in close contact with someone who is a confirmed case. Importantly, patients should call ahead first so their GP can prepare for their visit.

In line with Commonwealth advice, this is also a strong that maintaining self-isolation at home for 14 days from the last date of exposure for the following groups of people is a must:
• Anyone who has returned from mainland China on or after Saturday 1 February 2020.
• Anyone who has recently returned from Hubei Province.
• Anyone who has been in close contact with a known confirmed case.
• Anyone being specifically tested for COVID-19 while awaiting results.

COVID-19 is a controlled notifiable condition under the South Australian Public Health Act 2011. Doctors and diagnostic laboratories are required to notify the Communicable Disease Control Branch of any suspected cases.

免责声明:凡游外 -【澳洲疫情快讯】发布之资讯,仅供参考!澳洲方面主要参考自澳大利亚与各州/领地卫生部官网,ABC 中文 与 SBS 普通话,及政府官员公开发言;中国方面主要参考中国卫健委、腾讯新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情实时追踪与实时辟谣、丁香医生。游外已尽可能确保资讯的即时更新与准确性,但鉴于疫情变化极快,不保证全部资讯在各方面的绝对正确,毫无疏漏。且针对引用自官方资讯发布方的原始资讯而引发的任何损失或损害,请恕游外不予承担任何法律责任。