

南澳大利亚的库隆国家公园是澳大利亚最佳自然环境之一,这里有五花八门各具特色的鸟兽虫鱼,它们都以此地咸水和盐碱滩涂植物为生。要观赏这片自然生态系统,最好的方式莫过于乘坐 Canoe the Coorong 的海上皮划艇且行且看。

Canoe the Coorong, Younghusband, Murray Mouth, Ocean Beach, Bushtucker, Mundoo Channel, Barkers Knoll, Coorong, Things to do in Goolwa, Things to do at Goolwa

皮划艇准备就绪 ——Steve Hudson

这是个星期六早晨,我们一行人聚集在满杜海峡 (Mundoo Channel) 旁边的停车场,准备跟随导游 Brenton 开始这趟长达六小时的库隆皮划艇之旅。我们选好当天要用的小艇,穿上救生衣,然后动身横渡满杜海峡清晨平静水面,Brenton 一路给我们指点方向和目的地标志,帮助我们避开浅水水域。

Canoe the Coorong, Younghusband, Murray Mouth, Ocean Beach, Bushtucker, Mundoo Channel, Barkers Knoll, Coorong, Things to do in Goolwa, Things to do at Goolwa

从满杜动身出发 ——Steve Hudson

我们先向东行进,然后改往东南方而去,经过名副其实的鸟岛 (Bird Island),随后我们看到了半淹在水中的库隆国家公园标志,这是第一个清楚表明我们已身处这座国家公园的指示标。我们聚拢在Point Blenkinsop的一个信标周围,Brenton 给我们上了一堂简短的历史课,随后我们继续泛舟划向南面的 Barkers Knoll,在那儿我们开心地驾舟登上一片小沙滩。

Canoe the Coorong, Younghusband, Murray Mouth, Ocean Beach, Bushtucker, Mundoo Channel, Barkers Knoll, Coorong, Things to do in Goolwa, Things to do at Goolwa

划桨前行——Steve Hudson

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Canoe the Coorong, Younghusband, Murray Mouth, Ocean Beach, Bushtucker, Mundoo Channel, Barkers Knoll, Coorong, Things to do in Goolwa, Things to do at Goolwa

我们的向导Brenton——Steve Hudson


早茶摆上桌来,Brenton 还给大家提供了一些 Nana's 新鲜出炉的曲奇饼干,好看又好吃,大家真是吃着手里的,盯着桌上的。在这顿出乎意料的美味早点后,接下来该穿过沙丘快步前往大洋海滩 (Ocean Beach),借此也可消耗多余的卡路里。

Canoe the Coorong, Younghusband, Murray Mouth, Ocean Beach, Bushtucker, Mundoo Channel, Barkers Knoll, Coorong, Things to do in Goolwa, Things to do at Goolwa

沙丘步行——Steve Hudson

其实是这段旅途帮助我们更深入地了解这片独特生态系统,尤其是澳大利亚丛林食物有多么健康美味。我们蜿蜒穿行于蓬乱无序的灌木丛之间,Brenton 时不时就迅速俯下身来摘一把树叶、浆果、种籽和各种各样的果子,然后递给我们大家品尝。我们起先并没抱期望,毕竟它们生长在如此严酷的气候环境之中,吃到嘴里才发现美味异常,不由又惊又喜。

Canoe the Coorong, Younghusband, Murray Mouth, Ocean Beach, Bushtucker, Mundoo Channel, Barkers Knoll, Coorong, Things to do in Goolwa, Things to do at Goolwa

一种番杏科植物的果实——Steve Hudson


Canoe the Coorong, Younghusband, Murray Mouth, Ocean Beach, Bushtucker, Mundoo Channel, Barkers Knoll, Coorong, Things to do in Goolwa, Things to do at Goolwa

野草球小径 ——Steve Hudson

返回我们存放皮划艇之地,一股烤鱼香味扑鼻而来,我们都叫嚷着要求在沙拉卷里夹一片鱼肉,然后再配上鲜灼野生菠菜和海蓬子,这是两种生长于附近灌木丛的澳大利亚丛林美食,30 分钟前才刚刚采来。跟前面一样,它们美味极了,我们大家都纷纷回头再要一份。

Canoe the Coorong, Younghusband, Murray Mouth, Ocean Beach, Bushtucker, Mundoo Channel, Barkers Knoll, Coorong, Things to do in Goolwa, Things to do at Goolwa

澳洲肺鱼——Steve Hudson

我们重新驾舟而行,不过现在是掉头朝西北方向“满腹而归”,途经 Younghusband Peninsula 半岛北角时看到此地最后仅存的渔民棚屋,他们看上去十分辛劳,但他们的这种生活让他们成为登上遗产名录的有力竞争者。

Canoe the Coorong, Younghusband, Murray Mouth, Ocean Beach, Bushtucker, Mundoo Channel, Barkers Knoll, Coorong, Things to do in Goolwa, Things to do at Goolwa

渔民棚屋——Steve Hudson

继续前行不远,墨累河河口(Murray Mouth)映入眼帘。我们再次划船登上沙滩,步行一小段路前往河口观看它从另一边看上去是何模样,虽然其实没什么差别,但这里人少多了,而且近旁有很多迁徙候鸟。

Canoe the Coorong, Younghusband, Murray Mouth, Ocean Beach, Bushtucker, Mundoo Channel, Barkers Knoll, Coorong, Things to do in Goolwa, Things to do at Goolwa

安全第一——Steve Hudson

最后一段旅途我们离开墨累河口前往 Sugars Beach 船舶下水滑道,行程到此结束。 如欲了解更多详情,请参考 Canoe the Coorong 网站facebook 主页,或者直接致电 Brenton,他肯定有问必答。

Canoe the Coorong, Younghusband, Murray Mouth, Ocean Beach, Bushtucker, Mundoo Channel, Barkers Knoll, Coorong, Things to do in Goolwa, Things to do at Goolwa

Canoe the Coorong(泛舟库隆)——Steve Hudson

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