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Dr. Li He M.B.B.S, DCCH, FRACGP Dr Li He was awarded her MD in China in 1984. She had physician training in China. She worked in the department of Internal Medicine and department of Emergency Medicine in the Medical University Southwest Hospital of Chongqing and Kunming General Hospital of China for 13 years. After migrated to Australia, she had her clinical training in Modbury Hospital and Women’s & Children’s Hospital. She completed Diploma of Child and Youth Health before she got into GP training program. She was awarded fellow of Royal Australian College of General Practitioners in 2010. She has variety of clinical experience from her medical carrier, especially in General medicine, Chronic disease management including Diabetes, hypertention, coronary artery disease, Chronic lung disease, Women’s health, Antenatal shared care, Children’s health, Haematology and endocrinology, Emergency medicine, Minor surgical procedure including skin cancer removal, Implanon insertion and removal, Mirena removal and nail wedge resection.