< 帰りますSouth Australian Tourism Commission


This sheltered township, home to around 240 people, sits on the western shore of Eastern Cove. It was established in 1842 and named after American sealers who camped here as early as 1803. Oddly, American River has no river! It does however have a channel that looks like a river and is Kangaroo Island’s most protected harbour. Ships were built here in the 19th century and it was also once home to a fish cannery and a gypsum mine. The outer bay is popular for sailing and fishing, while the inner bay, also known as Pelican Lagoon, is a nature reserve. Picnics are always lovely in American River, and don’t miss the locally-grown oysters when they’re in season.


  • The discovery of stone tools and shell middens show that Aboriginal people once lived on Kangaroo Island at least 11,000 years ago

  • Matthew Flinders sailed past in 1802 and named local features including Pelican Lagoon, Prospect Hill and Kangaroo Head

  • The 45ft schooner Independence, built on the banks here in 1803, was the first vessel built in South Australia. She was built by American sealers from Stonington in Connecticut, USA, in 1803

  • The Rebuild Independence Project is a volunteer group that is building a full-sized replica of the Independence

  • Take a stroll at evening time to see wallabies grazing – they especially like the grass around the Post Office!